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Tribal Council Meeting August 16, 2022 5:30pm via Zoom.

Please join the Tribal Council for tonight's weekly meeting. All members attending may listen but are not permitted to speak or interrupt the meeting.

During executive sessions, members must leave the meeting to provide confidentiality for legal strategy and/or the protection of a tribal member's name.

Remember to have your first and last name displayed.

*Weekly council meetings will be held in person every other week at the Reservation, alternating weeks will be held via Zoom.

*If you plan to attend in person please reach out to a councilor or send a message to the website to confirm physical location. Zoom will not be used for in person meetings.

*Once a building is constructed on the reservation weekly council meetings will be held in person.

Kutaputuyumuw Mus kunáwuyumuw (Thank you, see you all later)

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